Mixed emotions or me & hubby


So a little back story here. January 31,2018 I found out I was pregnant, our first. Fast forward to March 8, 2018. I go in for an ultrasound to confirm my due date, only to find out that at 9weeks there was no heartbeat. Right after we had announced on Facebook we were pregnant. March 16, 2018 I had to have a d&c done.

After that things were very up and down for us. I had a very hard time getting over it. My husband just didn't want to talk about it or be reminded of it. Which I don't blame him on. I finally seemed to have gotten over the whole ordeal once my due date had past.

On January 25, 2019 I found out I am pregnant. I was totally shocked cuz quite frankly we didn't have sex much. The line was faint, so I took another test the next morning and it was a little darker. So I tell my husband, he says to me "I can barely see it. I wont get my hopes up till the line gets darker." Which once again is completely understandable. So I wait till January 28th to take another test. It is clearly darker.

Last time around my husband didn't go with me for the only 2 appointments I had. A lot of friends and family gave him shit for it, I never did. So he wants to be there for every appointment no matter what it is.

I will admit it is weird that we are in the same time frame as the last pregnancy. My husband just doesn't seem to want to get excited yet, which is understandable. We both agreed to wait to announce we are pregnant till after our cruise. Our cruise is March 11-16th. Right now I am 4w5d. I will be 12w on March 22. I am trying to stay focused on the positive and am very happy right now that we are pregnant. Our first appointment is February 19 to confirm my due date since my periods haven't been regular after the d&c. I pray everything goes ok and we will see a heartbeat. Has anyone had a similar experience??? How did you handle not announcing until you were 12weeks or farther??