Anyone with brown discharge?


Im 5 weeks and 5 days. For two days this week I had super light brown spotting that was only noticeable while wiping after the bathroom.

I took a picture but I think it's TMI 😆

Anyways.. While walking my dog I feel a little wet so i go inside to check and there is blood, red big not bright more of a dark rusty brown red. Not much of it but enough to make me super worried. I've had two miscarriages before so I started panicking. I've had no other worrisome symptoms like cramping or back pain.

I went to the ER to get checked out, blood levels are normal and my ultrasound (first one) showed the gestational sack and yolk sack. They said everything looks healthy, but to follow up in a week for more blood work to check my levels once more.

the last spotting I had was before I got to the hospital, it hasn't been back since which was 2 days ago. I know it wasn't from sex as I wasn't sexually active in the days leading up to it.. I'm reading it can be normal but also that some women report the same discharge before a miscarriage :(

Anyone else had something similar happen? I'm much more relieved being told everything looks good, but still a nervous wreck.. Once I have my appointment in 3 weeks and I'm able to see a heart beating, I think I will feel loads better, but until then it's just tough waiting game.

Really hope my little bean is okay :(