Just confused!!

1Angelisall <3 • Ttc #2 at 42 will be 43 before I know it😟. Just want all you ladies to know I pray for the best possible outcome for all of us. I`ve mc twice in the last 3yrs and most recently had a chemical pregnancy in Oct. 2017. I believe I'm close to being done tryi

I'm not sure if I'm starting early menopause or what's going on. My last 2 periods were a little weird...ok... well, this month, as of now I am 2-3 days late. Last Mon-Wed I had very light pink spotting never enough to fill a pad or anything. Mostly just when I wiped. I took a few hpt and all have been negative. A few days ago I decided to take an ovulation test and it was very positive and next day it was negative and negative today. I'm just so very confused. I wish with all of my being that I was pregnant but at my age, I'm guessing maybe premenopaus maybe most likely to blame. Anyone else ever experience anything similar? If so, what was your outcome? Tia for your help or insight ladies!