How can I successfully breastfeed with a 2 year old?


I really want to breastfeed my next baby. I’m 17 weeks pregnant and still feel guilty I couldn’t successfully breastfeed my first son. He was tongue tied and I tried for a month and also expressed but I couldn’t keep it going past a month. I want to try again this time and hope it will be easier if baby can latch. I just don’t know how I will manage with a 2 yr 9 month old toddler as breastfeeding on demand will take a lot of time away from him when a newborn also can be latched for 30-40mins per feed. I don’t want him to feel neglected. I would love to successfully try and then express and be able to give expressed milk once my supply is built up.

I am also really worried about feeding in front of other people as I am just not comfortable doing this. With my son I needed nipple shield and milk would pour out the other breast when feeding and I could not have made it discrete at all.