I’m just done....

AF is 4 days late.... had a clear positive pregnancy test and now all seem to be negative.... I’m just so over this always being disappointed in myself and that I’m not conceiving and stuff... I do have 1 child yes and she is amazing but I do want more.... my husband and I have been trying to conceive since we lost our 2nd baby in April with no luck.... I feel like my body is failing me and my husband and there’s times I just feel hatred for myself because of this... I feel like something is wrong with me... I know they say this could be a chemical pregnancy or whatever but still I hate feeling like a failure and that my body is crap because I’m not conceiving.... I tell myself this because I want another child so bad and it’s not happening.... I know everyone always says “it takes time” or “god has a plan for you” or all this other crap but when I hear stuff like that I’m gonna be honest it just makes me more mad... I know that may seem stupid to some cause that is how people hold onto hope with trying to conceive and that’s great for you but that doesn’t work for me.... I just feel like giving up... I feel like I have no hope left in me... I just wanna quit sometimes even though I want it so badly.... sorry for the rant just have no where else to post because no one really knows about all of this....