Daniella • david 💋🐻 university graduate👩🏽‍🎓 cat mom 🐱 sex positive zone 🍑

Okay, ya’ll. I got my IUD October 2017. I was super excited because I was ready to get all the sex with my man, and feel safe doing it.

I got Mirena, I’ve never had a child, so this wasn’t exactly normal because typically women without a child are advised to get the smaller Kyleena. Not the case for me, guess my gyno didn’t care to mention the size difference. The procedure was extremely painful for me.

Fast forward a year, and my strings are feeling a little lower than normal. Went and got it checked and was told by a physician that my IUD had come down and wasn’t in the right position. I had to wait 2 months before I could get a female gyno to see me and advise me on what to do. This appointment was two days ago. Let me tell you ladies; I did not anticipate what came next.

When I arrive, I’m shown into a room, the nurse does the standard blood check, questions yada yada. She gets me to pee in a cup, I wasn’t sure why at first.

Gyno comes in and basically goes “yeah so your IUD is too low, and we gotta take it out. It’s not gunna work in the position it’s in.” I’m like oh fuck ok. And she goes “so we can put in a new one today”

I freaked cause I was not ready for this, for my first IUD I took 2 Naproxen and it was super painful, no way I was gunna do this without any anti inflammatory drugs. So I ask if I can keep it for now, she’s like no. It’s not working. Now I’m thinking “damn, that means I could be pregnant”. That’s what the pee test was for.

So I ask if it’ll hurt to take out the IUD, she says it’ll feel like a mosquito bite.

I say fine, we can take out the old one but I’m not doing the new one today. It was not as bad as getting it put in but it still fucking hurt my friends. I was not a happy camper.

Anyways, now I have no IUD with a prescription for a new KYLEENA (thank god) for February.

I sill haven’t decided if I want the IUD. Maybe ya’ll can give me your perspective or other options. And lastly, if I do get the new IUD, I was thinking of getting high before my appointment instead of naproxen.

Has any tried this before? Safe or not? I just really don’t want to feel anything this time. Suggestions below please!!!

P.S. pee test results were never told to me, I’m assuming this means I am not pregnant. And I’ve been having regular periods. So there’s that.