Is it to late?

Have any of you mamas tried to breastfeed and ended up stopping then tried again and had success? I breastfeed for a week or two and I had to go to the ER and they put me on medicine that made me have to pump and dump and by the time I got back to my LO he wouldn’t latch good and I was in so much pain and just had a c section so we decided to give him the bottle. But now I’m really wishing I didn’t do that. My lactation consultant said I could try to massage my breast in coconut oil and use warm towels and pump every two hours to try and build my supply back up. And I’ve been drinking the body armor drinks. Today is my first day at this. If I self express milk comes out but I just want to know if anyone has had success with this. It’s been 5 weeks since i breastfeed