Engorgement help!


Things don't always go the way we planned or want them to. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

My second baby came 5 days early on Jan. 25th. I was happy about that as her brother was 9 days late. Her birth, however, was much more traumatic as I arrived too late to get an epidural (which I'd had with him).

I wasn't planning on pumping at all with her as I'll be staying home with them. I had to go back to work when my son was only 2 months old and had to pump all the time. The whole situation wasn't ideal.

Well now my milk came in strong and I've had to find all the pump stuff again. I'm super engorged and it was getting painful and difficult for baby girl to latch. I know I'm lucky to have a good supply, but it's also painful and I'm worried my body will now produce more milk when I'm just trying to relieve the pain of engorgement. Anyone been through this and can give me some advice? Some websites said don't pump in the first few weeks, but I had to. I pumped 4oz each side in 10 minutes and my baby still hasn't woken up to nurse yet.