Severe back pain

Samantha • 💙 💙 💕

I just left the gym early. I workout with a trainer, he has plenty of knowledge of what I should/shouldn’t be doing while pregnant and I usually do perfectly fine! Today we were doing rack pulls (like a 1/2 dead lift for anyone who doesn’t know what that is) and about 30 minutes in i was halfway through my set of 15 and I went down and got absolutely excruciating pain in the left side of my lower back, into my butt. My trainer had me stop and do some stretches but I’m in a ton of pain. So much though that bending over & walking are very hard right now. Anyone with some anatomy knowledge that could tell me what that may be? My trainer said it was probably sciatica acting up but I’ve never had pain this bad in my back. Pregnant or not.