No future? Need advice

My bf of 2 years and I been having some deep conversations about our future lately and I’m not sure what the right move is. In our relationship it’s really been wonderful and healthy. We are really good at communicating and supporting each other. He’s known Since the beginning that i want to get married and have kids. He has expressed that he wants that too. Up until recently where he said that he is on the fence about being a family man. He isn’t sure if that’s the life he wants. I know either way he would be happy. I see him around kids and he is great with them and really adores them. He really wants me to have what I have always dreamed of but he doesn’t want to jump into something that he isn’t completely sure of. And I totally understand and respect that. But I dont want to continue our relationship if we both aren’t in sync with the end result. So I guess I am wondering if anyone else has been on the fence about this aspect of life and it worked out? Do we break up and if things change and we find our way back to each other? We both respect each other too much to make rash decisions and we are taking some time now to think about our future. *We both have our dream job, we are in our late 20’s, it’s not marriage that he is unsure about, he isn’t sure if he wants kids in general. We aren’t rushing for kids, it’s just been a heavy topic of our future *