Jade is 11 weeks old!

Jenna • Jenna, 30, mama to Jade 11/15/18 and Maddox 7/1/24 ❤️

My sweet baby Jade is 11 weeks old! She is truly the sweetest, smartest, funniest baby and has such a big personality already. She’s been holding her head up since about 9 weeks! She can now kick her legs and turn and get her hips up to roll over. She smiles and coos when you smile and talk to her and also when she doesn’t want to go to bed. Unfortunately we still have our days and nights mixed up but she seems to be doing better with it and is more awake during the day now. Still has bad reflux and now has to take Prilosec everyday which her insurance won’t cover so it’s $60 out of pocket a month plus Enfamil AR which is not covered by WIC. But we’re making the best of it! We get a lot of attention in public due to her hair lol she’s been called a “doll” several times. Overall she is doing really well and I’m so in love! How are all of your little ones doing?!