Help please.

I am 35 going to be 36 in July. I have two children. In 2017 I got my tubes tied. In dec I started getting a milk supply back again and felt off. I tested. I got a faint positive then waited two days tested and still a faint positive. I went in for blood work at the urgent care they all acted like I was crazy for saying or thinking I was pregnant. They only took one draw and said after waiting 1 week that it was negative. Fast forward to January. I was 3 days late for my period. It did come and when it was over I tested anyway as I felt nauseas boobs hurt really bad. And it was positive. It got more positive as the days went on. I went and called the ob I got blood work Monday and then wed waiting for the results of that. My question is do u think it can be a pregnancy or could it be pre menopause? I’ll post my test below. I’m nervous that I’m getting my hopes up. Has anyone gone through premenopause at 35?