What would you do?

First if you’re going to bash just move along💁‍♀️

So because of things in the past I would go through my boyfriends phone sometimes. Well when I was pregnant we never had sex. We did maybe 3 times my whole pregnancy. So obviously I felt pretty down. One night I went through his phone and seen he was looking at literally hundreds of girls on all social media. Naked models, porn stars, random girls ect. He was adding random girls on Facebook like all the time. I mean I honestly looked like every week and there was just more girls. I just kept it to myself, I didn’t know what I was suppose to do. I was 6 months pregnant when He messaged a girl once and told her he wished they would of dated after high school(she never said anything back). I confronted him about it. He said it meant nothing and he loves me and our family. I just let it go, didn’t know what I was supposed to be. This went my whole pregnancy. Like 5 days after I had our son he was again adding random local girls on Facebook and still constantly looking at other women. It took a long time but I finally confronted him that I seen everything in his phone and we talked about everything. And for the longest time he unfollowed all these girls, deleted some media and stopped doing all that. Well now back in November I see hes liking this girls pictures on Instagram that he went to school with. One was like suppose to be a “sexy” picture. And even later on I see he’s liking her picture on Facebook as well. She also works at my and my sons doctor and I’ve seen her a few times and it’s just awkward, she knows who we are. So anyways again I just never said anything about it... we’ll just a bit ago I was on Instagram and again he’s liking her pictures. He like two of them. Especially the one of her showing off her body like in sweats and bra because she’s been working out. I was fuming when I seen that... I haven’t said anything and I don’t know if I should or what to even say.

I’m hurt by it because he NEVER likes any of my picture he has liked some on Facebook but it’s been a long time. But never on Instagram. And it’s not just the social media thing. I can’t tell you the last time he gave me a compliment in person on my looks. I don’t remember the last time he told me I was sexy, or that I was pretty, or just even looked nice. I feel so unattractive to him. And part of me knows I’m not ugly, I got my pre baby body back right away which I was like 105, still am. with little stretch marks. My face I think got worse but still like not ugly... but him continually doing this especially with a specific girl that he knows.. makes me feel like I’m not good enough. And just so gross looking. I just don’t get it....

what should I do? 😔