What’s in your newborns diaper bag?

Need lists of recommendations pls!

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Everything! Well it at least feels like it. What I had in the diaper bag wasExtra outfit with onesie and socks Sleeper (depending on time of day)Diapers wipes changing padSoother and teething toyGrooming kitTravel size lotion powder baby washButt creamBurp cloth/bibSwaddleBlanketFinger mittensNipple cream for me obviouslyNursing cover if neededSanitizerHmmm I think thats it, some of it wasn’t in their right away but I found my self needed it at time so in the diaper bag it went


Katelyn • Feb 1, 2019
I have all this and then just some pacifier(s) and pacifier wipes incase I drop one(:


Britni • Feb 1, 2019
There* needing*


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Spit rags, two changes of clothes, a 14oz can of formula, a bottle, we fill up a blender bottle of warm water for the formula before we leave, two toys, about 10 diapers and a full thing of wipes. My boy hates binkies do we don’t have those. Really just make sure you have food and changing items. Always have a spit rag cause you always need that lol


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You really don’t need that much. People tend to overpack their bags.We have the following:- Diapers- Wipes- An outfit change (baby is 5 weeks old and never needed it)- Nursing cover- Muslin blanket- PacifierThat’s it. We’ve never needed anything else.


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DiapersWipesChanging padBum creamTissuesBibReceiving blanketSoother and paci clip An extra outfit or sleeperAlso I have a few doggy smell proof poop bags that I can put a dirty diaper in if at someone’s house so their garbage won’t stink.


Lindsay • Feb 1, 2019
Oh and hand sanitizer!


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