I want to be a mom...

Hey everyone! So I’m turning 19 in a month, and my boyfriend is 19. We are both wanting a child so badly, and both have great jobs. We are both still living at home but are planning to move in together in June/July.

We are planning on getting married right before we move in together, we’re already engaged but it’s more of a secret for the time being. My parents are extremely traditional and helicopter parents so they’re having a hard time with the idea of me moving out, getting married, etc.

Once I we move in together I think we might start actively TTC. I wanted to ask, what advice do you wish you had received when you first got pregnant? What are some things you wish you knew? I know I’m 19 but almost not a teen, but I’d love to get some perspective. Also, reading through this group has made me want a baby even more 😭 and I love how supportive you are to each other ♥️