A little advice...?

My boyfriend has “control issues” and before you say anything, no, not in that way. He has trouble letting himself cum unless I’m the one directly taking care of it and this is causing a lot of stress in our relationship, mainly because my sex drive is way lower than his to begin with and when we go too long without he gets... restless. For instance this last week I’ve been super sick. Like sick to the point that his needs are not a priority to me right now and I consider myself lucky to be able to stay awake for more than a couple of hours a day. For the first few days I could feel myself getting a bit better, but then he started getting horny. He won’t take care of it himself, citing control issues as the reason why, and then I end up suffering at night when he ends up groping me in his sleep every 10 minutes. Unlike him I can’t just sleep through it, and as it’s a subconscious act telling him to stop doesn’t do much good. Overall, not super conductive to the healing process. In short, because my boyfriend is horny I can’t sleep, and after a solid three nights of no sleep I’m getting sick again. Tonight I told him either he takes care of himself or I’m sleeping on the couch. I know its harsh but I really can’t keep up with this. Has anyone had a similar problem? Or perhaps can give me some advice on what to do?

As an edit, this doesn’t actually have to do with our sexual compatibility, so I would appreciate less comments saying we shouldn’t be together. That’s not the reason I posted and our relationship is solid. Also, he does respect when I say no, the same way I respect when he says no. The issue is that subconsciously while he is sleeping he is hard to deal with. In the morning he won’t remember a thing and will feel terrible. I just want to know if anyone has any advice about how we can get him to become self sufficient in this matter so all the pressure doesn’t fall to me. I need to know that when I can’t take care of him, like when I’m sick and have no energy, he’s not going to be suffering and by extension make me suffer.

Ps sorry if this sounds bitchy. I don’t mean it to, it’s just early in the morning after yet another night of no sleep. Oddly enough though it wasn’t because of him this time 🤔