Cultural Appropriation in the Classroom


Some background to this topic: This semester to fill an academic requirement I’m taking a class called “History of the African American Spirit”. The course title seemed interesting and all my history classes so far in college have been Eurocentric, so I decided to give it a go. This class involves discussing issues that the black community currently faces, and also the history of African cultures before the slave trade.

The thing is, this professor is requiring us to come up with several of our own “traditional African” songs and dances as projects. We also have a big term paper that is basically a ten page argument about a current black issue. Me being the only white student in the class, I feel particularly awkward doing some of these assignments since I’d be acting like I’m part of a culture that I’m definitely not a part of. I also worry that there’s no way to write this paper without sounding like a jerk because I personally have not lived the black American experience.

My questions for you:

-Do you feel expecting students who are not part of a culture to “make up” sacred dances and songs for said culture is appropriating it?

-Is it ever possible for cultural appropriation to happen in the classroom? If so, in what scenario?

-Do you think white students should conduct themselves a certain way when taking a course centered on minorities? If so, how?

-Should non-Eurocentric courses become part of the main curricular in school instead of a possible elective in college?