I'm planning a home water birth as I have a midwife, so long as everything runs smoothly!

Farah • •Mommy to 2 beautiful baby girls 💖💖 •Elliott Olivia💖 07/02/19 •Kinsley Alan 💖 04/20/16
What kind of birth do you ladies plan on doing? I’m actually interested in a water birth with no meds but I’m not sure if I can handle it lol!
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Katherine • Feb 1, 2019
Haha! That's crazy! We have put money aside to just rent a birthing pool. Its 200 for everything you need, delivery and pick up! You get it at 38 weeks and keep it until 5 days post baby
Farah • Feb 1, 2019
My bathtub is not big enough for my long legs 😂😂😂😂 but I found a perfect hospital to have a water birth at lol it’s just 30 minutes away from me so hopefully I don’t give birth in my car 😂🤷🏼♀️
Posted at
I would love a water birth but no one in my area offer it. Closest place is about 2.5h away and my last baby was born 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital which was a 45 min drive, i dont think we would make it to a 2.5h drive. My first was induced and i had an epidural, the end result was worth it but want to avoid this situation at all costs. Second child was all natural, no meds, nothing. They had barely put the IV in when he was born and i loved the experience! It happened so fast that I almost feel like i didnt get to “enjoy” the process if that makes sense but it was still great, i felt empowered and in control. With this third child, i plan on doing it all natural again.
PNW💚 • Feb 1, 2019
Im sure she will! It took 16h from water breaking to my first being born and 2 of those hours was pushing. From water breaking to the birth of my second was 4.5h and i only pushed two times. Second time around was definitely easier and from what i hear most most have a similar experience with the second one being easier!
Farah • Feb 1, 2019
Oh lord I hope this one comes a little faster than my first born lol with her i was in labor for 14 hours lol it was pretty easy for me though I didn’t scream I wasn’t in serious pain it was just the pushing part that was the hardest
Posted at
I wanted a water birth no meds too but they don’t offer that here 😭😭🤦🏽♀️ so I’m just having a natural birth no meds no intervention.... you can do it remember our bodies are meant to do this and before medicine was involved women were doing this all the time! You got this!!!!!
Diana • Feb 1, 2019
Yeah I have a plan prepared but am open minded that it can change at any moment and it’s stated on my birth plan that I would like it followed unless baby is in distress
Ra • Feb 1, 2019
I’m keen on a water birth this time. Water is a natural painkiller and I’m hoping I can do this. One thing I would say is don’t get too set on a birthing plan cause plans can change very quickly. My first birth was an induced labour and that was not what I expected at all.
Diana • Feb 1, 2019
Lucky I wish I can’t find anyone here... I watch a lot of labor shows and things too... let me know how yours goes 🙏🏽❤️❤️
Posted at
I’ve experienced both naturally without medication with my first and had an epidural with my second. Let me just say that this pregnancy I’m placing my thoughts and strength in doing it naturally again. I personally feel like I remember more of my labor with the first than the one with epidural. I want to remember this labor, I want to be present, I want to be in control.
As • Feb 1, 2019
Yassss! That’s how I’m feeling. I think it’s all in the mindset. Just preparing the mind for the pain. I felt empowered with my first after birth.
Farah • Feb 1, 2019
As crazy as it sounds I want to experience the pain I want to experience feeling her coming out, I had an epidural with my first and I didn’t feel a thing it was too strong. I want to naturally give birth
Posted at
I’m having a scheduled c section. There’s several options. The healing process isn’t the nicest, but you can’t deny the convince. I can work up until the day before and know exactly when I leave and how long I’ll be gone. Don’t be ashamed to look at all your options. I wanted a natural birth with my first but my pelvis is too narrow, he never even dropped.
Posted at
I'm ready to put all pride aside and accept any and all intervention because I'm terrified of a natural birth. I'd considered a C-section but a friend of mine said doctors use it to get more money out of you. It's like upselling when you don't really need it (if you don't). Not sure if I want to consent to that if it's easily abused.
Lindsey • Feb 1, 2019
Don’t do a c section unless you have to. It’s a MAJOR surgery. It’s literally a major surgery lol. I healed super fast from mine. No complications. No crazy story. But hated every second of it.
Farah • Feb 1, 2019
Oh natura labor is no fun at all for sure but it sure is amazing what the body can do and I know my body can do this because for once I have a man who is by my side through this and as long as he’s with me I got this
Nicole • Feb 1, 2019
I’d take natural labor over a c section any day. My labor was so easy until he got stuck. My emergency c section sucked. Longer recovery time, need more help especially in the hospital, the list goes on. Natural labor isn’t fun (not suppose to be) but you’ll feel a heck of a lot better the days after than with a c section.
Posted at
I wanted to do a water birth with my last baby and this one, but I ended up:A) without getting selected from the waitlist.B) with complications for both pregnancies. And because of history with my body, I won’t do a home water birth. It would need to be in a birthing Centre setting (which you have to be on the waitlist for, and there’s not a hospital that offers it). Sadly I’m looking at another hospital birth which is super not my cup of tea.

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