Activities With Your Child


Hi Mommies! I’m curious what are some fun activities you do with your 21 month olds to keep them active. I took my son to the doctor yesterday because he missed his 18 month shots, so they weighed him and is 32 lbs!!! I’m not overly concerned, but I am slightly concerned since obesity somewhat runs in the family. Don’t get wrong. He’s on the taller side, so he doesn’t look super overweight, but I just want to make sure my baby is healthy and active and for him to not be so bored around the house. He runs around the house and tries to do flips and regular wild boy stuff, but I feel like that’s not enough. He doesn’t go to daycare since I’m a SAHM currently. I do take him outside to the playground every now and then... when it’s not freezing... but I was just curious if any of your kids are already playing sports 🥎 or gymnastics or anything like that?

Also, we live in a townhouse so we don’t have a yard unfortunately. ☹️