where did I go wrong? postpartum period at 10 weeks

Venice • 👶🏽 miracle IVF baby boy

So I'm currently 10 weeks post partum and I believe I'm experiencing my period. I bled for 7 weeks after my csection birth. ok so this period is tolerable and painless for now but I was almost certain that me breastfeeding this entire time would help prolong it at least a few more months!!!. I wasn't avoiding my period for fertility reasons, more because of my endometriosis and the dread of the excessive bleeding & cramps.

now I did pump often throughout the day to relieve my engorged breasts especially when baby was sleeping and not hungry.( I'd mainly freeze that milk.) I'd equally breast feed when he was awake and ready. and I'd bottlefeed my milk sometimes to allow husband and my inlaws a chance to bond with baby. baby has no resistance to bottles, nipples or pacifiers. if the pump stimulates your nipples how could pumping alter my hormones? enough to bring on my period?

I'm Regretting all of this bottle feeding and pumping because from what I've read, that is not the same as exclusively breastfeeding and in other words I probably contributed to my period returning.

I guess it was too good to be true. 37weeks +10 week and aunt flow is back😤😫😫