We met in person last year in October, 2018. He proposed the very next day.❤️


Our story.

Colton and I met on an app when I was 14 and he was 15 years old. The app was called “My yearbook” but now it’s called “Meet me.”

I was the first girl he ever said “I love you” too and the only girl he’s ever said it first too.

We dated for about 6 months online and then I realized I was probably holding him back from an amazing future. We agreed though I broke his heart.... to just stay best friends and we did. We stayed best friends for years, both trying so hard not to get jealous when the other was dating someone. Our connection was always so strong.

When he turned 19 he grew kind of distant and we both went in different directions but turns out we always thought about each other. He had broken my heart and I found myself married to someone at the age of 18.

5 years later. It didn’t workout with my daughter dad and now I’m divorced and so is Colton.

It was as if the starts aligned and fate brought us together.

After 10 years. He drove 7 hours to meet me and I had already known I had been in love with him and he in love with me, but.... true love at first sight. Ladies, Men! It’s real.

The next day after we had met in person. He proposed. He has always said he’d never ask anyone to marry him except for me, if he ever got the chance.

(Yes he was married before but she asked him and he asked me if he should through with it. I said yes.... thinking he had asked her, so it must be true love right? I find out later that he was late to his own wedding hoping I’d text or call and tell him not to do it.)

Anyways, And that he did. He asked me to marry him and I said “Yes!” and it truly is the fairy tale story I’ve always dreamed it would be.

It was wild meeting his family and friends as I have always been “the girl from NY.” That’s no matter who Colton was with, he never stopped talking about me.

I truly believe we had to grow and learn before being together again but here we are and on our TTC journey as well.

Life is finally looking up and I couldn’t be happier!

Let’s hear your story and show me those cute couple photos!🥰😍