When do I tell my best friend struggling to get pregnant?

Erin • 💙👦🏼 , ❤️👼🏻, 💙💙👦🏼👦🏼, ❤️baby due June 2022!

Need some advice ladies! I’ll try to make this as short as possible....

So my best friend & I have been BF since the 1st grade, she’s been there through it all! Last year she got pregnant for the 1st time and sadly had a MC. It was horrible to watch your friend go through that. 3M later I got pregnant with my 2nd. It was so difficult to tell her with all she was going thru trying to conceive again. She was of course so happy for me but I know she was hurting because she too wanted to be pregnant. A month later I had a MC & of course my BF was the first person I called. 💜

Fast forward 4M later I am pregnant again, 5W currently & I am struggling more than before on when & how to tell my BF. I know she will be happy for me again but my heart hurts for her. How should i tell her? In person, on the phone? We we’re together the other day but we were out & and I just didn’t feel right doing it then.

I keep praying we both just tell each other at the same time that we are both preg!

TIA mamas ❤️🌈