Relationship problems

Ok so my fiancé and I have been together for 6 years. We were high school sweethearts like everybody wanted what we had, well I mean we still got it but slightly different. The thing is I feel as if I’m not the #1 women in his life. Now don’t get me wrong his mom raised him and his siblings to have each others back and be there for one another but it’s like his mom and his sister hates to see him do something good for me or buy me nice things. Awhile ago he bought me some shoes and his mom was like where’s mine and the other day his sister got mad because he took me out to eat and now her but she has a whole man like??? Really

Him and I have been engaged for about a year and my family knows it but he’s so afraid of their (his family) opinions that they don’t know. His mom doesn’t want us to have kids right now why I don’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️ and it’s like she’s so controlling over ALL of their lives.

I’m trying to find the best way to discuss this with him because I’ve had ENOUGH and I love his family they are great people but at the same time everybody is grown I mean be there for your siblings and all but you also have your own life to live.

-How should I handle this