How long for milk supply to regulate?



My baby is six weeks today and I am EBF. I’ve noticed the past few days my breasts no longer get hard every couple of hours like they used to and when I pump once a night I’m not getting quite as much as I did before.

Is this because my supply has leveled out or am I losing my supply and need to do things to get it back up? Not super concerned about the few Oz I’m losing in pumping as I don’t have need for that large of a stash anyhow as I’m sahm, but just worried if my baby isn’t getting enough now.

He’s seems hungry all the time, yet he’s kind of done that from the start and he’s was gaining a lot at the start. He’d gained two lbs in the first two weeks of life.

Just want to make sure he’s still fulfilled. It’s hard to know how much he’s getting through EBF; with my daughter I exclusively pumped so I knew exact output.

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