Potty training help


Okay so my son is only 20 months old which I realize is super young still to potty train especially a boy. However that being said he’s been telling me he needs to go for the last few weeks now. He will either point to his butt or his penis and either say guck for poop or peepee or uhoh if he needs to pee. When I ask if he needs to go potty he says no (sometimes he’ll say yes) and I’ve been trying to only follow whether he says yes or no because I don’t want to force it since he’s still little. Anyway I’ve been noticing every time he does tell me he needs to go even when I ask and he says no he will poop or pee a second later. So I’m trying now to get him to just go when he tells me he needs too but he hates the potty! We’ve let him watch us go but it doesn’t help. He cries every time I put him on the potty. This morning we were sitting on the couch and he pointed to his penis and I said okay let’s go potty. He got down ran to the bathroom and we got his diaper off he freaked when I put him on the potty of course. I had him there for about a minute (he still didn’t go) and finally I just got him down and put his diaper back on (which he didn’t want either) and literally no more than 5 seconds later he peed in his diaper. So is he really just not ready yet even though he’s telling me he has to go or is he just being a typical toddler and doesn’t like to cooperate haha. Any and all advice is appreciated.