Treating Children With Respect


Piggy back post off the one about the hand over the mouth. One comment got me thinking about something. Can respecting your children go too far? I ask this because I was actually told by my daughter's pediatrician that I'm treating her too grown up by respecting her boundaries and that by me doing this, it is causing her to have aversions to things. One thing that sparked it was when we first got there my daughter asked me if it was okay to tell her doctor that she doesn't like to be tickled. Of course I said yes, as I always tell her to speak up for herself and let someone know she is uncomfortable and that they're crossing a boundary. So she told him and he brushed it off as a big joke and flat out told me I'm causing her to have the problems she is currently having. Then he went on to say that when she says to stop tickling her, make a joke out of it and do it anyways.

So, what are your thoughts on respecting your children's boundaries? Treating them as regular people, not children? Can it go too far? Do you think it will lead to a child having psychological problems?

I hope that's clear, my words are not as eloquent as others on here.

Edit: So no one has to go searching for my original comment, yes, I went home and immediately called her insurance to switch her doctor.