Child Support Battle

I told my daughters father I would stop his child support if he consistently provided help he agreed to give me 400 a month months ago. I don’t ask him to do anything else for her not because he won’t but because I’m capable so why go through the hassle of asking him to buy diapers if I live 5 mins from target and we frequent often so I just grab them vs him giving me a song and dance but “eventually” getting them. He hasn’t been consistent with the 400 sometimes it’s 357..300...393...250 one time and I have to ask for it when he said he would give it to help with my rent (which is due every first of the month) -

He asked me to stop it in December I have yet to because just as I predicted he didn’t give any money for January and here it is the 2nd and I haven’t heard from him about February’s money.

-I am not receiving any child support payments I’m assuming because he is an independent contractor at his job so it’s just adding up at friend of court.

I would have no issue with stopping but why screw myself knowing he won’t help consistently. Am I wrong ?