Help! Don’t judgement. Advice

My 15 month has always been a bad sleeper but when he turned 12 months he got very sick and I end up bringing him in my bed because we were both so exhausted! After doing this he was sleeping like a rock. Waking one time at 4am for a bottle patted him on the butt for a couple mins and back out until 8am. We haven’t changed his routine. One nap a day around 11-12 for 45mins to 1hour. He’s been on 1 nap since 11months. then bath at 6:15 and in bed with his last bottle at 7pm. But lately he wakes up at 2am crying horribly like he’s in physical pain. I give him his night bottle but then he won’t settle for almost 1-2 1/2. I lay there and pat him on his back, rub him back and he fights the sleep. He is so tired but just won’t go back to sleep. So then I give him another small bottle. I pat him all over again and sometimes he will knock out. If not we lay there up him tossing and turning and crying until he finally passes out. Please no judgment on the bottle. Or that he sleeps in my bed. It honestly is working so much better him being in my bed. Before we would wake up all night long.