She’s here! 2/2/19


So I went in February 1st for induction at 7am was trying for a vba2c when I checked I wasn’t even dilated so they inserted a foley balloon into my cervix which opened me to 3/4cm so we was making progress I tried to go natural but those contractions wasn’t for me lol so I asked for epidural once I got epidural I admittedly jumped to 5cm I got my water broke at 4:30 pm yesterday so I felt like we was moving in the right direction, all night yet checked my cervix wasn’t making and more progress I was stuck at 5cm at 6am almost 24he later we decided it was best for me and baby to have a c-section

My epidural didn’t work I had to be put to sleep but we are both doing great so I take that as a blessing she weighed 8lbs 6oz