Does it ever work out?

Ashley • Ashley N. Poindexter

Okay so starting off with a little back story history, bare with me,

I’m 33 weeks pregnant. The father of this baby and I dated for about 6 months and he called it off completely out of the blue saying he wasn’t “ready to be a stepdad” to my amazing 7 year old daughter. We had a perfect relationship. Literally, I NEVER saw it coming. Really broke my heart, especially by using her as an excuse. Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t want to be a single mom once again, but this time to two children. I voiced my concerns to him on several occasions and he was still adamant about raising the child by co-parenting rather than together in a relationship saying “his heart just wasn’t in it.”. He’s an amazing guy. Very introverted though and occasionally needs time alone to kind of clear himself. I get that because I am also that way to an extent. Just not quite as often as him. He’s extremely sensitive and voices how bad he feels about our predicament but hasn’t made moves to make amends. I guess my question is, has it ever worked out for anyone after baby is born? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t keeping a little bit of hope alive that we work out, mostly for the sake of not being a single mother once again. Any insight or answer is helpful! Thank you!!!