When did you get your tubes tied? (For those ladies who gave birth)

Jazelle • SAHM❤ Pipeline family. "Home is where you park it" Maverick Nov'16🧒🏼 • Baby#2 July'19👶🏻

I'm pregnant with #2 due in July and I am ready to be done. I have had good pregnancies no complications, but I just want to have my body back and enjoy my kids. I HATE birth control how it messes with me physically and emotionally. I have zero desire to have more babies after this one. ANYWAYS! I am curious how many just had their doctors just do the surgery while they were already in the hospital after birth or if they healed from their last birth and when back at a later date to have the procedure done. Pros and cons?

Thank you!

P.S. momma misses her wine! 😂

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