Control Line much paler than test line?


TTC ladies, I'd appreciate your thoughts please!

On the top is my original test from two weeks ago, at 3wks 2days (about 10dpo), and the bottom one is from today, at 5wks 2 days.

The test line showed up immediately whilst the control line took a couple of seconds. Originally I figured the control line was so pale because the test line was so dark and had used up all the "ink" (is that even how it works?!?) but then I showed Stephen and he said what if it's faulty and they put the strip in upside down so actually the lines are the other way round? That then got me worried because obviously that would mean my test line has got paler in two weeks.

Anyway, I guess I'd just like to know what your experience is? Is it "normal" for the control line to be so pale? Should I be worried? Or am I just over thinking everything (as Stephen tells me I always do 🙈)