PCOS and my prick of a husband

I just found out I have PCOS. I had no idea what it was until I was told I have it. I have done some research but not a lot. I would like to hear from other people who have it or have a lot of information about it. My doctor did tell me it will be very difficult for me to have a baby/get pregnant. It doesn’t mean I CANT it just means it will be difficult. Now I am 28 about to be 29 and honestly I’ve wanted children ever since I was a child myself. I love children, I want to be a mother more than anything. When telling my husband about this news...he had no care in the world. First off couldn’t even say sorry at the least. All he could say was “I don’t know what to say”. I was hurt. I brought it up again a few days later....and he had the nerve to accuse me of making up what my doctor said so that he would feel bad for me and cave in and say yes let’s start trying for kids. I was speechless. Never in my life would I ever first of all...lie about that and 2nd force someone to have a kid with me.

I understand my husband isn’t ready...he’s also 3 years younger than me but for 4 years he has been saying he isn’t ready and he is never open to even just having a discussion about children or it turns into a fight. All he does is talk about how annoying kids are and expensive. He also doesn’t understand that the older I get the harder it’s going to be for me so the conversation needs to happen soon. But he won’t. He gets angry. Do you think he secretly doesn’t want kids at all and he’s just afraid to tell me? Also what would you do if you got serious news like this and your man reacted this way? His words were pretty hurtful and I was just shocked by how unsupportive he was. I said to him “you don’t say stuff like this to someone that just found out this kind of news” and he says “I do if they piss me off and try to force me to have kids.” And let me reiterate...I never forced him to do anything. All I did was tell him what the doctor said to me.