Two long years and it was all worth it!

Brittany • 🍳 Wife and mama to two beautiful girls and three angel babies. Currently pregnant with surprise baby #3! Adventure seeker, foodie, wedding photographer, sushi enthusiast, former DJ, avid reader and avoider of Indian food.

After two long years of trying to conceive my second rainbow baby, I am finally pregnant! This is my fifth pregnancy and I have one living child. I lost my first at 20 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. My second pregnancy was with my daughter who is now 3. Then I had one early miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy. Needless to say we’ve been through the ringer. I’m sending all my hopes and prayers skyward for a healthy baby this time!

Baby dust to all of you who are still struggling! I really mean that. I know how heartbreaking it can be. I hope your baby dreams come true soon!