here's a vent, if you are bored & need some reading material


I decided I would eat 3 pickles, **because Claussens, they're seriously amazing.

and then I would have some Milos Sweet tea

***because it's the only thing i ever have with caffeine and its sooo good.

and all was well at 33 weeks pregnant.

then... I started smelling something funky.

**I'm in a 3 story apartment. very nice ones by the beach I might add. so we pay a lot. 🙄

and my neighbors upstairs must be smoking weed in their apartment.

I've lived here 2 years and though they are noisy as fuck and throw parties, I've never smelled weed in my apartment before.

so anyway, I sprayed febreeze.

and then all the pickles I ate mixed in with the febreeze I'm now smelling....and all those pickles came back up. 😞


so the leasing office isnt open until tomorrow morning. and my husband said if he smells it again later...hes going up there to have a chat with those guys. but I do plan to call the office and complain because not only did they keep me up last night with the they're smoking weed. yay. 👍