At a loss


My husband and I have 2 dogs & 2 cats and we're expecting a baby this summer.

One of the cats we didn't really intend to keep, he was close death because of starvation so we took him in just to save him and hopefully find a new home for him.

He's been a problem for us since bringing him in and we've tried so many options to make things easier but he is loud, poops on the carpet, claws things up, scratches us, is mean to the other animals, etc.

One of our dogs has anxiety, depression and is incontinent now (no health issues that the vet can detect, any stimulation just makes him pee) and he's only 5 years old.

He requires CONSTANT calm attention and if we give attention to the other dog or even a guest he whines and pees.

We didn't have these problems with him when he was the only one so I'm wondering if he would just do better in a home as the only pet again? Maybe find an older person/couple that need companionship at home? But if he still has the peeing problem I don't want to do that to someone else.

He used to be such a happy dog and loved our other one for the first year we had her.

My other cat and other dog are happy and actually best friends. They get in trouble from time to time like I would say is normal, but I'm not spending every spare minute cleaning up messes after them. I work full time and have a second job. My husband is a full time student and works part time. We try to make time to give all of them attention every day, but it's not enough for the first 2 I mentioned.

Once the baby gets here we'll have even less time. I feel like it would all around be a better situation for us and the first 2 if we could find them new homes that could take care of their needs better but I also feel like a bad animal parent because I am considering rehoming them.

Any thoughts or advice? If you think finding new homes for the 2 I can't help is the best option how would you suggest going about finding homes for them?