My boyfriend is bisexual

Hi guys... a year into dating my boyfriend told me he is bisexual. I am not against gay people by any means, but im a straight girl who never imagined to be dating a bisexual guy...

I guess my main problem is i fear he will one day hurt my heart, leave me for a guy and tell me he realised he is gay.

I love him unlike anyone. But the thoughts are constantly running through my head of him doing things with guys he used to date( turns out his best friend ive spoken to numerous times is one of the guys he used to sleep with). It doesnt help that the topic comes up often from the latest movies we ve been watching and im just scared its a sign... sometimes he will be lovely and affectionate, but often ill have to ask for it or he will turn my kisses and hugs away as a joke which to me isnt funny, it frightens me that he doesnt feel what i feel for him, that maybe he is trying to hide his gay side by trying to have a relationship with me...

Im lost, please help?