ED from pressure of TTC

My husband and I have been TTC for a year and had an early miscarriage in Sept. The past couple months my husband has had trouble maintaining an erection when I’m ovulating. He doesn’t have a problem any other time of the month. After some serious coercion he finally told me he feels so much pressure to conceive when I’m ovulating that he just gets too much in his head and psychs himself out.

It’s really hard for me to handle. I know it’s not an attraction thing but it still feels crappy none the less and I know it feels even worse for him. I would never dare say it but when we can have sex no problem any other time but not when it counts I get really mad and it makes me feel like a terrible person. Plus as of the last failure we’re not really having sex outside of ovulation either because I’m sure he’s afraid it will happen again. And I’m afraid to initiate sex because I’m afraid it will happen and make everything worse. It just feels like a downward spiral.

I tried this month to not tell him when I was ovulating but he figured it out pretty easily. We’re usually a 1-2 times/week couple so if I’m all of a sudden initiating sex every other day he knows exactly what’s up.

Man, the things nobody tells you about trying to have a baby. It takes its toll on me too but sex doesn’t depend on me being into it.

Any advice ladies?