Dont fell sexually attracted to my boyfriend

Hey guys,

So i have a problem that's been bugging me for a couple of weeks. I don't really feel attracted sexually to my boyfriend. Everytime we have sex, I just don't feel anything, I think about anything BUT sex, and i always try to avoid having sex with him.

We've been together for 2 years now. I never felt this way until a couple of weeks ago. I always wanted to have sex with him before. I love my boyfriend, he is my bestfriend and I love spending time with him, so I don't understand why I feel this way. Do you girls ever had this problem? I'm 19 so i'm pretty young, maybe it will change in the futur? Idk what to do cause I feel really bad for not enjoying making love with him... We tried spicying things up in the bedroom with toys, but I still feel the same way. Furthermore, when i masturbate by myself, I never think of him...but I love him very much..

What do ya'll think about this? Is this normal?

Ps: sorry if I made some mistakes, english isn't my first language