My fiancé crushed my heart today

So I was asking my fiancé questions about our relationship and where it’s going because I’m going to see my therapist this week. I’m trying to get better within myself because this relationship has put so much stress on me. We planned this baby, and he’s been very inconsistent. Talking to other women and stuff. I’ve always forgiven him and have always been the one to try and make it work. He’s seems to have always held this type of grudge against me because I went through his phone to find out the truth. Since then there has been no intimacy whatsoever. No kisses, hugs, daily texts or phone calls and we barely talk around the house. So tonight I asked him “are you with me out of love or just because of this baby?” He says “idk.” Now I’m at a loss for words because idk what to think. Then I ask him “okay am I just living here with you because I’m pregnant or because you want me here?” He says “I can’t answer that question.” Like wtf!? How am I supposed to know where my relationship is heading and what we are even doing if number 1: he’s showing me ZERO affection. This man doesn’t even hug or kiss me when he leaves home or when he comes back...and number 2: he won’t answer these questions with a REAL answer. We were supposed to marry in March because the baby is due in April but it’s like we’re getting further apart. He says he loves me and that there’s nobody else but idk how to feel because of how he acts towards me...what do you all think of this? What would your next step be?