Completely terrified


I was scheduled to have my caesarean on February 14 and I would have been 37+1.

As my uterus beginning to tear open I am now having my baby boy this Wednesday. I will be 36 weeks exactly. I have just received my first dose of steroids.

I would also like to thank everyone in our group for all of your support through my journey. You all will be great mummies. Xxxx

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Posted at
Thank you to all of you lovely ladies who have sent me your kind thoughts, prays and wishes. I promise to upload my photos after I recover for a few hours on Wednesday. Xxxx


Posted at
Can I ask how you knew your uterus was tearing? I’m so nervous about this happening! Good luck mama!


Olive • Feb 14, 2019
Thanks for the info! So scary!


Renee • Feb 4, 2019
Hi olive, I will give you symptoms first. If you start to have pains like round ligament pain and it is isolated to bellow your belly button (around 4 inches bellow) and running horizontally then you need to get checked out. How the doctors check for it is, they send you to get a ultrasound of your uterus. Then they conduct an internal ultrasound measuring the thickness of the uterus. Mine was 1.2mm. They then look for bulging in the uterus to see if it is about to tear. Mine is 😖 a normal healthy uterus should measure be 3mm. I hope this helps you xx


Posted at
36 weeks is still so good! Sending prayers and thoughts for an easy and happy experience!!!!


Posted at
Oh sweetheart! I was literally waiting til the 13th to message you! It’s ok darling, you’re in the best of care and your darling boy will be safely with you soon. Keep asking the staff as many questions as you need to comfort you. Hope your hubby can get emergency leave to be with you x


L • Feb 4, 2019
6lb 6 is fantastic for full term let alone 36 weeks! They have that margin of error just in case. You never know, he might be a little guzzle guts and surprise you 🤞🏼plus formulas and techniques have developed so much since your little girl was born, they’re making improvements every day. Treat yourself tomorrow to a nice bath, scrub, wash your hair with a nice treatment and keep the social media to a minimum so you can stay calm, rested and focused. Honestly feeling for you and hope I’m giving you some comfort! Healthcare on the coast is a fantastic standard, you’ll be in the best of hands ❤️❤️❤️


Renee • Feb 4, 2019
At the scan they said he was 6 pound 6 oz. The sonographer said that he will probably be 10/15% less than that. Then if my little man goes to the nursery he will lose weight too. With my baby girl she was born 7 pound 1oz, when she went to the nursery she lost 22% of her body weight. I really hope that they don't give me a hysterectomy, I am praying so hard they don't. Thank you for your beautiful kind words and support you keep giving me. You are so lovely 😍😍❤️❤️😘😘


L • Feb 4, 2019
Darling I can’t even imagine. Having everything prepped and ready and then having your autonomy taken from you! When they did the scan did they give a good estimate of you beautiful boy’s measurements? I bet he won’t be in 00000 for long at all, he’ll thrive whether or not he needs a little stop in the nursery - just keep taking deep breaths and know that the best thing for both of you is Wednesday! Hopefully your OB can think laterally and create a safe solution to limit your potential for a hysterectomy. It’s all going to be ok, you are so brave and your boy will be just perfect on arrival ❤️


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Sending you lots of love and positive thoughts. ❤️


Posted at
Don't be afraid my due date was March 7 but the said no Feb 7 but my son came out 34weeks and 4 days he is healthy breathing on his own and his temperature is getting better he comes come from nicu Tuesday and I came home today at 2 pm good luck love and God bless 😀😉


Posted at
Prayers 🙏🏼 good luck!!! ❤️


Posted at
Wishing you the best!!!


Posted at
Keep us posted. You will do great! Baby will be safer and happier out than in 😘


Posted at
Wishing all the best sweetie!! ❤️❤️