Misdiagnosed miscarriage.


Well we all know that our due date is just an estimation. And we never truly know when our little one is going to make their appearance. I went to me 8th week appt. My first one. So me and my S/O were beyond excited to here the heartbeat. And me able.to look at what the two of us created. Well when we went in the dr did a transvaginal ultrasound. As she was picking around she tells me that she is concerned for miscarriage because the baby is only measuring at 6w3d. Which was COMPLETELY possible because once again, we never truly know how far along we are. She gave me a bunch of stuff to read on miscarriage and told me that I need to go over my options such as D/C or natural miscarriage. She also ran some labs to test my hcglevels. The results came back and guess what? Everything was fine. I still have another appt. To make sure we have a heartbeat. But I have high hopes.