Ugh 😔


Im 24 weeks pregnant with di/di twin boys. Ive been in the hospital for a few days now. I was transferred via ambulance on Friday night from my hospital due to possible preterm labor. He said their NICU wasnt good enough for before 32 week twins.

The on call doctor for my regular Dr at my hospital that night was concerned, so they checked me and said I look dilated to at least a 3 and he could see my bag of waters was pretty bulgy by my cervix, which 12 hrs before I was only a 1 and still thick, so he decided that was too much progress in such a small amount of time, so they gave me a steroid shot to boost my babies lung development (which I've had 2 doses of so far), some Magnesium sulfate for their brains (which is terrible btw) and shipped me to a hospital that's got the NICU to handle teeny tiny babies. The doctors here do not want me leaving till I've spoken with the high risk pregnancy professionals, the Maternal Fetus Medicine Drs, and they will be back in the morning.

They will be most likely giving me a pretty detailed ultrasound, checking some other stuff out and deciding if I'm stable enough to go home monday.

If not then it looks like I might be staying here until I'm ready to deliver my boys, or I make it to 32 weeks at least so they can ship me back to my hospital, but we are seriously hoping I can just take it easy at home till at least 32 weeks.

I dont wanna be in the hospital anymore 😔