Due march 21st had him on February 3rd


My body said it was time. Yesterday i came in for a headache that I had all day and no matter what I did ot would not go away. They monitored me for 3 hours and gave me a steroids shot and some medicine for my headache and is didn't help. My blood pressure was also high and wouldn't come down, since my hoapital is so small and we don't have a nicu we had to drive 2 hours in an ambulance but the weather was so bad we couldn't fly. But I started having contractions the whole way there that were 3-4 minutes apart. I finally got to the hospital at 1am and my husband beat me here lol. They hooked me up again and started alot of different meds, then they gave me something for my head 3 different times today that did not work at all.

After some tests they decided that it was best to have a c-section since he was breeched. They start giving me meds before we went back. At 1am they start prep, gave me the spinal tap and at 1:38pm my little boy came into the work screaming and flalling lol

He is 5 pounds on the dot and 18 inches long, born at 33weeks. He is a fighter, he keeps trying to take of his cpap machine.

It has been a hard road, i am on meds that they say I cant go see him becuase I'm on them, the lady keeps changing her mind:/ I got to see my beautiful baby boy for 2 seconds before they took him away and no2 I can't see him. And the med im on I can't sick haven't eaten in 2 days and I'm starting to get grumpy.

But most of all I want me baby health and safe and not to much nicu time.

Meet Christopher Anthony!!