Reoccurring Ovarian Cysts


Hello all,

I'm posting today because I'm so over my ovarian cysts that I wish I could just take my ovaries out. Any advice would be appreciated.

I had a few cysts that were painful when I was younger (I'm 40 this year) but nothing crazy. Starting in 2017, I started developing troublesome cysts (excruciatingly painful, throbbing, can't walk, pass a BM, etc.). I went to the doctor and they did some scans, pelvic exams, etc. The first cyst was 4cm. The doc said it will/won't resolve itself in 3 months. So each month, during ovulation, I would deal with pain until the cyst shrunk. Several months later I got another one. This time it contained blood and tissue and was again about 4.5 cm. Again, they told me to wait it out. It resolved itself after a rupture. Since then, every other cycle I grow a cyst on the same ovary, in what feels like the same place, and experience deathly pain for 3 months, until it either ruptures or resolves.

All of this is to say that the doctors won't help me until the cyst is either twisted or over 5cm. I am miserable most of the time around ovulation. I can't take hormonal birth control because I have a rare clotting disease, so there is no way to stop ovulation for me.

Has anyone had treatments that have worked or any advice?