Blood pressure concerns


I’m 21 weeks. My doctor told me to monitor my blood pressure, even though it has been 120/80 my last two visits (16 weeks and 20 weeks). In the morning, it’s normal 120/82...but my midday and night (I work full time) it’s reading appropriately 133/96. Is it normal to fluctuate? Should I be concerned? Every time I google, preeclampsia pops up. I just started to swell in my hands and I get headaches every so often, but I contribute that to needing to drink more water.

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Ugh yes mama you need to keep an eye on it! Low your sodium if you can!


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Lower number being in the 90’s is definitely a concern. While it’s a normal stressor being at work, I would say that’s a little more elevated than it should be. I would definitely keep track and show your doctor. Do you have any other symptoms of high blood pressure? Swelling, numbness, headaches? Mine was spiking pretty high midday (I have a stressful job) but my doctor put me on medication to be safe. Now midday it’s always 120/80 if not lower.


Melanie • Feb 4, 2019
Thanks Kelly! This is helpful.


Kelly • Feb 4, 2019
Sorry I guess my brain stopped reading. If you are swelling and having headaches that’s also definitely a concern. I would call your doctor. They will most likely want you to begin meds or baby aspirin and also do a 24 hour urine hold to ensure you aren’t losing proteins


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I’m a paramedic. That blood pressure is not high at all, so I wouldn’t be too concerned about that. But if all your other symptoms are severe then definitely keep a list of what’s going on and when, and take it to your ob,


BB • Feb 6, 2019
Lol yes google will do that to you. But seriously, 130/90 (the first number-systolic- is the one that is most important when looking at the numbers. I don’t bat an eyelid at anything that’s under 140. Obviously look at it all as a whole tho. All your other symptoms sound normal preg related, but keep an eye on it all, take time out to relax and put your health first :) xx


Melanie • Feb 5, 2019
Symptoms have been mild. Just sinus pressure headaches and some swelling in my hands, which I had in my first pregnancy. My husband told me to put the machine down for a couple days because I’m just getting myself even more stressed. My mom said the same last night. I’m going to eat healthy, drink more water, and test in a couple days. Thank you for your reply. Every time I googled those numbers, the stuff I was reading almost made me want to go to the ER. And I just felt my heart start to beat even faster.


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Tell your doctor (don’t wait until your next appointment). You probably need a 24 hour urine to check for protein. I had pre-eclampsia with my first and they are monitoring closely this time.


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Swelling and headaches are also signs of pre-eclampsia..... definitely drink more water, decrease your sodium intake, wear compressions socks so the fluid doesn't pool in your legs and keep keeping an eye on your pressures.