Vent for today

I just had my baby by csection last Wednesday. I have been trying so hard to be positive and happy & I was truly feeling great. Just having a hard time with my partner and his negativity. He’s feeling sad & inpatient with the kids. Says he hates it but really doesn’t look like he’s trying any strategies to be patient. I been trying to being encouraging. He’s a very active person who has always constantly had to be doing something all his life. He says he’s coped up. I get that & I feel bad because I know he can’t help it. But I am getting so depressed now. I can’t stop crying. I feel like even though it’s been almost a week since giving birth I’m still bleeding quiet a bit. Feels like I can barley walk without limping. I have got both the new born and my 1 year old son here alone with me & I just can’t stop crying. I’m tired of being the strong one all the time. I just want to be able to heal & be taken care of for once. I want to be selfish today. But I can’t. I gotta send an encouraging message to an alcoholic who has been sober for over a year with only 1 relapse, who is out helping someone else because he’s feeling sad and coped up & needed time get out. While I’m in pain, at home crying my eyes out. With the new born & 1 year old crying because I can’t pick him up. He doesn’t want me to hold the baby. In the fear of another relapse, I hold my strong face & put myself to the side.. again.. & be the strong one.