Trying to keep up hope


So I'm sorry if this is a slightly upsetting post but I need to rant..

So my boyfriend and I haven't been avoiding conception by any means and haven't gotten pregnant. I know that it's not as easy to get pregnant as people think it is, I've been a birth worker for about three years now so I know 😅. But due to my genetic condition I have to have all the kids I want by the time I'm 25 because I have to have double hip replacements before 30. And with my condition (Ehlers-Danlose syndrome) the risk with birth control making you infertile goes up A LOT and I was on it to regulate my periods before I was diagnosed. My boyfriend had lots of health issues when he was younger and bad reactions to medications so they told him that he's got about a 50% chance of not being able to have children.

It's been a huge thing in my life forever that I've wanted kids and I've ended relationships over the guy not wanting kids, but I love Robert more than anything and I would never end my relationship with him over not physically being able to have a baby. We've talked about adopting and surrogate/sperm donor but it's just tugging at my heart not knowing if we'll get to have a baby of our own.. If anyone has any words of encouragement or support pleas tell me. I just need a pick-me-up.