Help, I’m not sure what is going on in my body.


I am not sure on all of the proper lingo/abbreviations here so please don’t be too mean on that. Also not sure if this the right group so please tell me if this is not and I will move my post. My boyfriend and I had TTC the beginning of December on my peak day. I had taken multiple test because Af didn’t come when it was supposed to. They all came back negative. Since we had TTC I had been nauseous, tried all the time, would start crying out of nowhere, and had heartburn horrible. AF or what I thing is AF came two and half weeks later and it was one day longer then normal and way lighter then normal. I actually just spotted for the first two day and I never do that. I hadn’t thought anything of it until now because I should be two day into AF and I haven’t started yet and none of my CM has been what it is like during ovulation. I have also had all of the symptoms I had since December. If someone can help me figure out what is going on I would greatly appreciate it.