Anyone doing KETO while pregnant?

Krissi • Momma to an amazing little 1 year old boy! Wife TTC our 2nd baby

I started keto again about 3 weeks ago after my first miscarriage as I was feeling really horrible about myself and I knew I needed a change. I did keto last year to get ready for my wedding and lost 45 pounds between March and August. After the wedding my husband and I completely fell off the keto train and I gained half that weight back. I found out I was pregnant the week before Christmas but then lost the baby at 7 weeks the beginning of January. I'm hoping that with losing some weight, become more mentally stable and physically fit will help this next baby stick. I've been doing keto again now for about 3 weeks as well as going to the gym and I'm down almost 10 pounds. I'm feeling so much better just about life in general than I was a month ago. I've also started going to church again so really just trying to stay positive. I really just want to hear about other ladies journeys with keto and being pregnant. I don't want to find out I'm pregnant soon and then have to stop keto because of it because mentally I feel a lot clearer and with much more energy than I've had in months. Looking for thoughts from others. Thanks